Thursday, April 15, 2010

Glee - "Hell-O"

I have a deep, deep love for everything "Glee".

Stupid statement, I know - who doesn't? But it's important to address this because....ugh, I really didn't like this week's new episode. I feel like I'm the only person who felt that way, second only to Jace over at Televisionary.

I won't go into a full-on rant, but I will bring up one MAJOR issue. Or at least it's major to me.

Lea Michele - babe, can we have a heart-to-heart? I love you. I do. I fell in love with you when you first sang "On My Own", in a way more beautiful than the original soundtrack version ever did. You kick ass. But darling - stop closing your eyes during songs!

"Hello" with Jonathan Groff? Beautiful. I could listen to that song all day, cause let's face it, you and Groff make sweetsweet music together. But lord girl, I can't enjoy watching that song because I started counting how many times you squinted your eyes shut as part of your "emoting". Girl. This isn't "America's Next Top Model" - your eyes don't have to express everything. Not to mention, they ain't expressing much of anything but pain when you keep them shut all the damn time. You've got a voice that most of us former choir girls would kill for. Use THAT to emote. Not your damn squinting.

I counted how many times you did it in "Hello". Do you really want to know how many times? Ok, first off - you are only singing for about 100 seconds in that song. AND YOU SQUEEZED YOUR EYES SHUT TEN DAMN TIMES. THAT'S ONCE EVERY TEN SECONDS!

Girl. Please. I love you. You have such chemistry when you are with the Groff. Especially when you look at him. So stop ruining the damn moment by scrunching up your pretty little face!

Hugs and kisses, love. Keep singing pretty, please.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I Pity The Fool

I hate April Fools with a fiery passion, but it's become much more enjoyable in recent years, thanks to the lengths websites will go to hoax their audience. Here are some of the better, TV related gags I've seen today, and I'll update if I find any more:
ABC has decided not only to revive some classics ("The shows you've grown up with have grown up too!"), but also updated their current line-up of hit television shows. I can't be the only one who really wishes this T.G.I.F. line-up actually existed...

CBS/TV by the Numbers has decided to skip May upfronts this year, choosing instead to release their 2010 Fall line-up early! I'm looking forward to "How I Met Your Five Mothers and Fathers" (but I am not ok with the elimination of "The Big Bang Theory"!).
Also, Moonves DOES make some good points:
“Since I know what works, and can get people to watch effectively the same show by doing as little as changing the zip code, I’d be an idiot to take a chance on yet another Alex O’Loughlin vehicle...Just like Henry Ford would sell you any color Model T as long as it was black, you can watch any show you want on CBS, as long as it’s a near copy of another CBS show."

It appears that NBC has opted out of April Fools Day, but that's ok - their questionable choices over the past year proves they celebrate it every day but today.