Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Reaction Time: "Dave"

Yikes. In regards to revealing character backstories, this one was a pretty big deal. I know I've complained about some of them, because I feel they don't add to the island mystery, but this one actually felt important.

I assumed Hurley wound up in the institution for his paranoia for winning the Lottery...but I guess that, timewise, that would make absolutely no sense. Hurley got the numbers from Leonard while in the asylum, which is HOW he won the Lottery. Duh. But feeling guilt for believing he killed two people...damn. It would explain his massive paranoia states, like we saw in "Everybody Hates Hugo". And whoa, Libby was creepy at the end.

"Henry" continues to push the buttons of the survivors, drawing on the lead argument between the leaders - what is the purpose of the Hatch? Social experiment or actual purpose? "Henry" claims that he never inputted the code, never pushed the button - but Locke has no way of knowing if he's telling the truth or not. "Henry" has put doubt into Locke's mind, something that will surely send him into a tailspin. No one likes to be told their beliefs are wrong, and it can have huge effects on someone.

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