Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Evolution of a TV Slut

I have a bad habit.

I have many shows that I want to watch. I get half-way through them before I get distracted by another show. And then I get distracted by another show. And another. Which explains how I've gone through like 15 series since the beginning of summer.

I graduated this past May, and made a list of television shows I wanted to watch over the "summer" (summer being a loose term - since I wasn't going back to classes in the fall, I had no real time constraints). It was mainly to serve as a way to deal with my sudden aloneness and free time.

Let's see - from what I can remember, the original list included: Chuck, LOST, Grey's Anatomy, Pushing Daisies, Firefly, and I think one other.

I went with Chuck first, because I needed some humor in my life. As I finished Chuck, I was introduced to Better Off Ted. It was in the middle of its first season, so I didn't have much to catch up on. 6 episodes maybe? Quick and easy - I knocked them out in an afternoon.

Then I moved on to Saved By The Bell. Odd choice, for sure. But I had just signed on to Netflix, and this was around the time of Zack Morris' guest appearance on Jimmy Fallon. I took a brief break from SbtB to finish Season 1 of Eureka with my best friend (at the time) and to get them hooked on Chuck. He left me with Season 1 of Bones and Season 2 of Eureka to finish before he left for grad school at the end of summer.

As I finished Saved by the Bell, I came across What I Like About You. A cute show starring Amanda Bynes, who is the leading lady in many of my favorite movies. Sorry - it's impossible to hate her. She has a unique style of comedy that I find endearing. I'd watched a fair amount of What I Like About You while I was still in college (how I miss afternoons off from classes, when I'd park myself on the couch and watch ABCFamily for hours), and had the first season on DVD, but I never had a steady viewing of it. Now it was running every day on The N (shut up, I know I'm a giant kid), and I had a DVR in my new apartment. Score. Weekend marathons only served to help my endeavor.

So now we've reached July? and I still haven't hardly made a dent in my original list. I did sneak in a few episodes of Firefly during a slow work day. But then I got sucked into Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place. Look, it's not that great of a show, ok? But it has Ryan Reynolds and Nathan Fillion in it. HELLO. That alone will keep me watching all four seasons...and it's funny. Ok. Get season one downloaded, and later seasons three and four, and wait over six months before I can get ahold of season two.

I make a brief return to Grey's Anatomy (a show I had dropped after the horrific third season), but gave that back up almost immediately. Somehow then I got into Psych. I make it through most of the first season, and fall in love. But yet again, before I can continue any further, I get distracted again - I think that was during October, which is honestly a blur of emotions and drama.

Of course, by this point, fall TV is in full swing. So I have plenty of television to watch and rewatch now - The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Greek, Gossip Girl, Glee, Modern Family, Cougar Town, The Middle, and for awhile, Community and The Office. I gave both of those up around November, for reasons of laziness and exhaustion.

Then the later return of Scrubs and Better Off Ted also throw me away from my original television goals. In December I finally get around to those Season One Bones DVDs, thanks to bestfriend/boyfriend's obsession with it. Bones and I bond over Christmas, and make brief reunions whenever Boyfriend visits.

Then in late January, I immerse myself in the project that started this blog - LOST. I take a detour back to Community during a weekend of boredom, and then after viewing the baby episode of The Office, I dive back into that, starting at the beginning and getting fully caught up.

In the last few weeks, I put my computer into overdrive, downloading shows to prevent headaches from rewatching the same crap over and over. Finally I get the second season of Two Guys and a Girl, and get caught up in What I Like About You (again - I know). That entertains me quite well till iTunes enters the picture, offering up the first two seasons of Daria (if you don't know what that is, you're too young to be here) for a reasonable price, followed by the first season of 10 Things I Hate About You for free (I will not say no to free television - it's how I got hooked on Greek and How I Met Your Mother). And that's where we are today.

So to sum up, here's my status on TV shows:
Chuck - finished
LOST - stuck somewhere in Season 3, with plans to return soon
Grey's Anatomy - forget it; I don't care enough
Pushing Daisies - ..hunh?
Firefly - only three episodes done
Better Off Ted - finished
Eureka - stuck on Season 2
Saved By the Bell - finished
What I Like About You - finished; currently rewatching
Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place - stuck in the middle of Season 2; currently watching
Psych - stuck on Season 2
Bones - stuck on Season 3; still need to finish 2 episodes from Season 1 and 5 episodes from Season 2
How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, Greek, Gossip Girl, Chuck, Scrubs, Better Off Ted, Glee, Modern Family, The Middle, Cougar Town, The Office, Community - all caught up on, save for a few recent episodes of The Middle
Daria - in the middle of Season 2; currently watching
10 Things I Hate About You - finished

Told you it's a bad habit (and remember - this is just from the last 10 months. Imagine what all I went through during college!! Trust me - it includes most of the shows that are currently on, and then some).
Is it any wonder that 1) it took me months to start LOST, and 2) that I'm STILL on a break from it?
I think I should probably get back to the those that are stuck in the middle of season....

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you gave Grey's the boot; it's just like the bastard version of "E.R.," and nothing will ever be that cool again. I may have to wander over to iTunes and scope that out myself. I wish they still played that show on tv.

    And if you're into Nathan Fillion..."Castle" just got renewed for its third season. And season two has been awesome thus far. :D
