Friday, March 12, 2010

Scrubs - "My Driving Issues"

It's probably pointless to write about this show. As much as I really don't want to admit it, this is likely the second to last episode we're ever going to see.

I know people have been relatively divided over this season. Yes, it's not the same show we know and loved over the past 8 years (well, if you've been watching since the beginning). After I watched the first episode of the season, I felt...disappointed. But then I watched it again. And again.

It was hilarious. The second episode was even better. With each episode, they found their stride. The show really hit a high point once J.D. was out of the picture. Sure, Lucy can be quite annoying (but the running joke of her obsession with horses constantly kills). Sometimes Cole is too much of an idiot to bare. But overall the show is one of the highlights in my week.

I love the dynamic between Drew and Denise. You don't often see relationships like theirs - one that is so twisted that it works. And I mean that in a positive way. They are like the younger version of Cox and Jordan. It's twisted, it's illogical, but it works! And they are happy! It shows that not every relationship is based in flowers and mushy affection. Sometimes it's just mutual respect and the ability to understand one another and make the person laugh. In my mind, it's how all relationships should be portrayed. Then maybe we wouldn't have all these kids growing up with the idealistic fantasies (spurned on by years of Disney movies) of what love and a relationship is. *gets off preaching stool*

There's not too much that can be said about Cox and Turk that hasn't been explored in the past 8 seasons. They've grown up. I've loved seeing their interactions without being weighed down by JD (seriously, he was the major misstep in this season - he went back to being whiny and demanding and it dragged the season down). They serve as good mentors to the students.

Why am I writing all this about a show that will likely not be on after next week? Because. It's a good show. Unfortunately it's never gotten the audience it deserves, thanks to the missteps of NBC and ABC. I feel like the shows deserves at least a few more episodes, if not a full season, to give full resolution and understanding to these med students. I know next week's episode isn't a finale (series or season). It's just another day in these character's lives. Maybe that allows us to imagine what will go forward, but I'd rather know than speculate.

I've really missed my Tuesday night comedies (don't even get me started on the travesty of potentially losing "Better Off Ted"), so this episode back was a welcome relief. I got more of what I love about this season - seemingly heartless interactions between Drew and Denise, Cole and Lucy and their silliness, and Cox and Kelso relationship. I love the dynamic shift between these two - from enemies to understanding one another to full-blown friendship. It pained me to see Kelso dread getting older as much as it did him. I'm one of those people who hate when the weaknesses come through when you try so hard to keep them hidden. Kelso is a proud man, and to admit that his age was beginning to play a factor in his life was sad.

I know that wasn't much to say about the episode when I waxed on about the season, but really, doesn't that say it all? This was a solid episode in a season that I've really enjoyed while so many have harshed on it (or ignored it all together). Next week is the finale, and then most likely we will be waiting till May to find out its fate. This isn't like last year, when the series could have ended and everyone would have been fine with it. There are still stories to tell, and I'll be one of those people who keeps holding out hope for this show to pull out another miraculous recovery (ha, I made a medical funny!).

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