Friday, March 12, 2010

Taking a LOST break

I swear the project isn't dead (despite the fact that it's been about a month since I've watched any episodes).


I've just...been distracted! I spent a week visiting New York and DC, where my television options were reduced to "Friends" and "Bones". I'm not complaining, fyi.

Since returning from my trip, I've been trying to "figure out my life" and "plan for the future", and other such annoying cliches as such. I've also been caught up with the resurgence of "How I Met Your Mother" (this week's episode was one of my favorites in the series), the short return of "Scrubs", and all my other favorites.

But!!! The project is not forgotten! I'm still hoping to be caught up before this legendary final season is finished. I want to be able to watch the finale with everyone else and know exactly what is going on. I'm halfway through the series - just need to get it done.

In the mean time, I'm going to try to be good and get back into television blogging again. It's a habit I've started and stopped way too many times, and I really need to maintain it (for my sanity - seriously). So hopefully soon I'll start getting some entries in for other shows.

Much love peep(s).

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