Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reaction Time: "The 23rd Psalm"

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil; For thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me."

A deeply personal episode, not just for Mr. Eko. This Bible verse is the one tattooed on my back, a constant reminder of my grandmother. I loved Eko's and Charlie's reciting of the passage - it was a touching and deep moment in the show. It was a pure moment, set outside the mysteries and drama. It was a brother mourning his brother; something anyone can understand.
"The 23rd Psalm" answers the questions presented by "Deus Ex Machina". We now know where the Beechcraft came from, why it was loaded up with drugs, why it contained priests.

Eko has truly changed from the man in the flashbacks. He knows what his previous life cost him - he has truly become a religious man (as evidenced earlier by his self-imposed 40 days of silence after killing two of the Others in self-defense in "The Other 48 Days") and will not venture down the path that led him here again.

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