Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reaction Time: "Deus Ex Machina"

"Don't tell me what I can't do...The island will send us a sign. All that's happening now is our faith is being tested - our commitment. But we will open it! The island will show us how!"

The only episode I'd ever seen before beginning this project. I still remember watching it at Sandy's house with all of her sisters, as we were trying to work on homework or something. But let's get real - we weren't working on anything. Even then we couldn't say no to TV, even if it was something we didn't actively watch.

I remember the yellow Beechcraft 18 stuck in the trees. I remember it plummeting to the ground with Boone inside. I remember Locke crying and pounding on the hatch and the light coming on. And I remember being absolutely intrigued. There's not a lot of shows that you can only watch one episode of and remember almost every detail.

Miss Swoosie Kurtz...I love and adore her. She's the first guest star on this show that I actively recognize and have massive respect for. I just wish it hadn't been in this role.

Alright, a lot of revelations about John Locke. A product of the foster system. His mother has schizophrenia. His father is a douche. A massive, massive douche. The entire scene where he's dealing with the realization that his father screwed him over, to when he's back at the hatch...the show knows how to bring a reaction out of me. Locke asked for a sign, and the island gave it to him - for a price.

You'd think I'd have more to say about this episode. After all, we now have a whole series of new queries regarding the Beechcraft and the drugs, not to mention the light in the hatch. But this episode is pure set-up for what's to gave us a lot to ponder, but seemingly not much in the grand scheme of what we've seen before.

Oh, wait, I also forgot - there's more survivors?! Never mind, that's kind of a big deal.

"Dude, looks like someone steamrolled Harry Potter!"

Sorry, I had to include it.

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