Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reaction Time: "Exodus (Part Three)"

I'm thinking my XBOX is starting to get mad at me. It's taken much longer to load the episodes than before. Which means I get more and more irritated. *grumble* Not to mention, the fact that I had two people call, each with an hour long conversation, meant I got heavily delayed in watching this episode. The three hour finale that stretch into like 5...kill me now.

Fine, Peter, you win. This finale? Whoa.

The hatch is opened. Walt is taken. The raft is destroyed. Charlie has heroin in his possession again. The rest of the survivors are hiding from the Others.

We've reached the pinnacle argument: the man of science versus the man of faith. Is this crash the result of fate or coincidence? Up till now, it's been a fairly linear storyline. Now that Jack knows the difference of beliefs between him and Locke, the story will diverge. Two viewpoints, two leaders.

Too many questions. I know I said I'd save everything for there, but I can't. There's too freaking much.

My random questions/musings from the episode that aren't terribly important:
Why Aaron? There's got to be some biblical or mythological connection there.
How did Hurley wind up in Australia to begin with? His entire struggle to get through the airport was awesome and a much-needed bit of entertainment.
Whoa, Smokey is kind of a bitch. And made of smoke. What the fuck thing made of smoke can attack people? Oh you freaking island.

My thoughts are so disjointed because of the breaks I had to take. Plus this was kind of a mind-numbing, brain-screwing up finale.

It did it's job.

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