Friday, January 29, 2010

Reaction Time: "Homecoming"

As I said before - YAY CLAIRE IS BACK!!!

Except...this isn't my normal, bubbly Claire. This is a scared Claire who doesn't know where she is, who anyone is...and it's only the memory of Charlie and his imaginary peanut butter from "Confidence Man" that reminds her. A-dor-able.

BTW - how did she escape? She had no memory of what happened, and is pregnant...did someone free her?

Another Charlie centric episode. I know I expressed happiness for Boone before, but my love definitely lies with Charlie.

Oh right, I was going to try to be better about focusing. Screw it, it's getting late and I'm getting tired. My focus can wander. I may have to quit after this episode...(oh crap, I haven't eaten dinner yet).

Watching Jack beat the crap out of Ethan was glorious. And I know Charlie did a bad thing by killing him, but dude - he deserved it.

I find it interesting to learn that Lindelof cites this as one of his least favorite episodes of the series. I liked how Charlie's story was used - for once it wasn't leading us to anything deeper than who he had been in the past. But maybe that's Lindelof's problem with it - there's no purpose to the episode, other than the return of Claire. Not even Ethan provides any movement in the narrative, because Charlie shoots him before we can find out anything.

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