Friday, January 29, 2010

Reaction Time: "Raised By Another"

"If I can take drugs, I can deliver a baby!"

Yes, that's exactly how it works.

Oh, hey Sayid - nice to see you again. I've missed you buddy...since the last episode...which feels like it was ages ago. The problem with watching this show with continuous pauses (besides the one previously described)? I have no clue why Locke, Kate, and Jack were out in the jungle when they ran into Sayid. Ugh. May have to rewatch this episode when I get home.

What is the deal with this Ethan dude?! Creeper...

Claire's dreams scared the crap out of me. Poor girl. I love her relationship with Charlie. Forget the Kate and Jack and Sawyer drama. THESE two are interesting.

That's all I got at the moment. I'm so confused by what I might have missed that I can't give a good assessment currently.

Oh, and Claire's psychic KNEW about the plane crash? Uncool man.

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