Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reaction Time: "...In Translation"

"Everyone gets a new life on this island, Shannon. Maybe it's time to start yours."

Though Sayid and Shannon (stupid freaking Shannon)'s relationship is hardly the focal point of this episode, her conversation with Locke does harken to the theme of the episode. It's about seeing how the island has changed the lives of everyone who has arrived here. Locke can walk. Walt and Michael repaired their relationship. And Sun and Jin, the epitomy of the episode, have started their relationship over - where it goes is anyone's guess.

(And REALLY Sayid?! Nadia to freaking Shannon?!)

WALT BURNED THE RAFT?! Wait, that wasn't totally surprising. But still - whoa.

Fine, back to Sun and Jin. I love their story, for all it's complications and love and details involved.

This episode provided answers to a few things from "House of the Rising Sun", including how Jin got the dog he presented to Sun as an apology for all the hours he's working. We also see how he got covered in blood - it wasn't working as an assassin as (I, at least) had previously assumed. Instead he beat the man up, to save him from being killed.

Side Note: Hurley?! Another cross between the survivors seen in the flashbacks - when Jin is delivering the message for Sun's father, we see Hurley on the television that the daughter is watching, smiling as he gets into a car. Dear Writers - when are we getting a Hurley flashback episode?? Oh, and his CD player dying was very depressing. :(

And Jin's father is alive....this show is permeated with Daddy issues. Sun was ready to leave when Jin was trying to rebuild their relationship. In his eyes, it's now too late...she ruined what he was trying to accomplish. I don't want their relationship over.

"You speak English? Didn't see that coming..." bahahahaha Hurley.

"Boat." Nice one, Jin.

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