Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reaction Time: "Collision"

Ana Lucia - do not piss Sayid off. You may have been a cop; Sayid knows Iraqi torture methods. You just killed the woman he loves, he's allowed to be upset. He has every right to beat your scrawny ass. You get some redemption points from your backstory, but not enough.

Speaking of backstory - more family issues. Jin works for Sun's father. Jack worked under Christian. Boone for his mother. And Ana Lucia for her mother.

I love Mr. Eko. His quiet and pensive demeanor is epic.

This episode was another one that didn't continue the narrative of the island - instead it was focused on the characters. Showing who they are, how they got here, but nothing new was revealed (as far as I can tell) with regards to the main mysteries of the island. But we do have a new power struggle emerging: it's no longer just between Jack and Locke. Ana Lucia has arrived...

The show finally got me to cry. When Sayid picked up Shannon's body...when Jin, Michael, and Bernard reached the beach...bam. I shouldn't admit that. I should be trying to keep my dignity. But eh, whatevs.

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