Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reaction Time: "Exodus (Part One)"

A three hour finale?! Oh you bitches are trying to kill me.

Backstories are being made complete. We know how the chain of events in Kate's various flashback episodes are connected together (thanks for the explanation there, Marshall!). Jack knows that his father wasn't mad at him when he died (thanks Sawyer!). We know the Black Rock is a ship - it might have always been a ship, and I missed that detail during "Solitary".

Smokey (I still think it's Godzilla) is a security system? That would explain it's anger. So what is it protecting? Don't say the island - that's not a good enough answer. Because that's implying that there's something of value and importance within the island, and we don't know what that is yet.

Shannon has a heart?! Well, I mean, the flashback shows she really doesn't, but it's a dog. Dogs are the key to my heart.

Jin and Sun reconcile. Thank you, thank you. I absolutely adore them and needed that happy ending.

Michelle Rodriguez mades her grand appearance - I wasn't expecting her till next season.

I want to know what Hurley wrote for his message in the bottle.

Vincent made me cryyyyy (not actually, but I could've if I hadn't been typing at the same time.)

I'm with Locke on the suspicions of Danielle Rousseau.

Scattered thoughts, I know. But there's still two more hours to go, and not much was revealed in this episode. We're still waiting on the fate of the hatch and the Others, as well as the success/failure of the raft. I'm not an idiot - we've got 4 more seasons to go. We're far from a happy, neatly tied ending.

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