Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reaction Time: "Adrift", "Orientation", "Everybody Hates Hugo", "...And Found"

Sunday morning, and we are back (excuse me Peter for taking a break last night - yeeeesh).

So now we've gone from two basic plotlines to several...awesome. Let's make this harder to write about! Thanks writers! *wink*

Fine, let's give this another go...


Well, now we know where the "rafters" are...well, two of them. Walt is still MIA from the Others abduction, and Jin is...somewhere. Ideally, not dead.

Outside of Sawyer and Michael's boat trip of love, I didn't really see the point of this episode, especially the rehashing the events of the Hatch through Kate's point of view. She didn't exactly offer up anything new - all she did was show she's alive and knows how to crawl. Way to be helpful, woman.

I have to debate whether or not I want subtitles on for when Desmond is on the screen. Utterly adorable accent, but Lord it can get hard to decode.


I asked before who is right - Jack or Locke? Is this all founded on fate or coincidence?
Locke is winning obviously. At least in my mind. There's too many coincidences thus far to make this all an effort of chance. Jack and Desmond's prior meeting, in which he basically convinced Jack to have faith in Sarah's recovery in "Man of Science, Man of Faith"...nope.

So how does this affect how we view the island?

KATEY SEGAL! And now I have another new favorite guest star. Leap of faith, yeah, I get it.

Again we are divided between our two leaders. The science says this computer is just a social experiment. Nothing will happen if you don't input the code. The faith says you have to do it - you can't take the chance. As such, we are formally introduced to the DHARMA initiative. That orientation video doesn't give much explanation as to what is the purpose behind the initiative, other than its goal for scientific research. I get that they are there for it's magnetic attraction, but there has to be more to it. It's not enough of an explanation yet - not for such a seemingly large operation.


BERNARD!!! That's why we bring back Rose in this episode after a long absence. Faith people - faith.

So what's the deal with this new group of tail survivors? You'd think they'd be living much like our ragtag group, but clearly they're in, like, a hostage situation under Ana Lucia. Crazy bitch. I want to know what the situation is there - what happened to the other survivors? Why are they living in a metal box? Why are they so hesitant to trust the fuselage survivors? What the frak is going on?!

Gah, it's so nice to hear Jin speak English!! His personality, especially in the flashbacks, is so utterly charming that it was refreshing to see it put to good use in English.

I'm glad Rose was there to be the one to talk Hurley out of his actions. His rationale was logical, given his past experiences and mob mentality, but absolutely insane in terms of the residual effects it would have had. He got some closure from his past - not quite yet from the numbers, but it's progress.

(Side note: Shannon still has a heart! And cares for the dog!)

...AND FOUND - S2E05

Ha! Jin is a smartass!! Thank you Jin - figures the guy who can't speak English would be the one to finally show up Ana Lucia. Much appreciation, friend. And nice punch to Mr. Eko. Impressive. You got your ass kicked by him, but still, props.

Why the fuck is Ana Lucia in charge? Biggest bitch contest becomes the leader? That must be it.

We have now seen the mysterious Others - or at least their dirty legs and feet. The teddy bear - I can't see that belonging to Walt. Who the fuck are these people?!

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